Martes, Agosto 23, 2011

Civil War in Libya, 2011.

Ching Christian Garay
MWF-10 to 11am.

The civil war in Libya started last February 15, 2011. Gaddafi was known to be the world's longest dictator ruling libya for almost 4 decades. He showed Libya that his power would rule and his regimen will remain on to his hands, dictating people and slowly destroying the government that the people in libya has always been hoping for. he strategically analyzed rank by rank, position by position, clustures by clusters of the government in his own side. His leadership for almost 4 decades made the people in Libya, realize that his ruling is a decentralized. it is to identify something such as a political power that is shifted from a upper authority of the government into a less central place or to be seen or recognized on his own way, that people would follow his lead and he would never be re0placed.The country was run by people’s committee that served as the legal government’s subdivisions. United States quoted Gaddafi as “mastery of tactical manoeuvring”. He placed his relatives and loyal members of his clan in Central Military and other government positions then he carefully marginalized supporters and his rivals and maintaining the balance of powers and the stability of economic environment and its developments.  We all know that Libya is one of the major producer and importer of oil in the state, his success in joined with his issues with corruption. because of the said war, the countries economic growth has become a downfall, investors would never dare to invest for even the capital city city of Libya, which is Tripoli has also been ransacked by rebels and now investors, consumers and others cannot emerged into export or import and buy their consumptions because of war.  In the recent civil war, almost 1500 libyan people were found dead. The country suffered a lot from Gaddafi’s regimen. It only shows how powerful the Longest Deictator in the whole world that even he can control the people’s decision and despite of all the riots and people power have experience he would always to remain in power. Last August 22, 2011, it has been said that his son was surrendered and captured. these allegations was untrue his son said. stating that his father or even him would never go down in power as what the people in libya wants for they believed that their power would remain for a long period of time. 

In my own opinion, this really affected the country's economic growth, for when the civil war arises to its peak, businesses would not dare to open their firms for the streets are full of violence and war, investors would not invest in their country for it is not a safe place for businesses. consumers, workers, employees and other organizational stakeholders would be forced to hide from a safe place for protection and others may be forced to join the war in order to end the regimen and it provides them food and other daily livings. In our country, we would be greatly affected because we have OFW's. it was shown in the television show-news, TV patrol that OFW's in libya, was trapped in a parish church and wants to go back to the phillipines. They wouldn't be able to sustain their families here, their needs and wants. how can they be able to invest in their wages when in the streets it is full of chaos, blood and war. we all know that they are just victims of this, but a full plan action is highly recommended.

Martes, Hulyo 19, 2011

Economic 211 reflection post. - to sir James Diagdigan

In the lives of Filipinos, gambling in the a good way is our life getaway. Former Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office officials during the Arroyo administration clearly violated existing rules on the use of confidential and intelligence funds, Budget Secretary Florencio "Butch" Abad said Tuesday.
In a statement, Abad said it is questionable for the PCSO to have confidential and intelligence funds purportedly for anti-illegal gambling operations.

Understanding corruption is a very broad issue especially here in our country. It is imperative today with the latest administration that corruption practices should be stopped for our country to evolve and grow faster like any other country. This has been our long issue for it affects the country's economic growth and the impression of other nations towards ours.

In relation to the issue, he said the PCSO's P160 million intelligence fund for 2010 was bigger than the combined P157.4-million CIF budget of the Department of National Defense and Armed Forces of the Philippines in the same year.
Former PCSO General Manager Rosario Uriarte earlier admitted dipping into the PCSO’s intelligence funds to pay for blood money of incarcerated overseas Filipino workers, and to cover expenses for relief operations and assistance during calamities.

In my own opinion, any government owned things though it is just a piece of paper, pen etc.. being used for personal use is a sign of graft and corruption. This practiced has been exercised since our government started. It has always been a very transparent act by government officials. We are open to this, in the government itself or even to our selves, they should be the role model that we should look up to. We should be able to know what are the factors why corruption occurs and happens everyday, how it gives us pleasure and satisfaction towards our needs and wants in our daily lives.